The Administrative 360 During Challenging Times
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM
Jeff Oathout

Overview: This high-energy session will take chiefs on a journey, beginning with the identification of some fire service landmines that significantly impact our members' careers, mental wellness, and overall performance of our departments. After uncovering these landmines, we will explore solutions to help overcome these areas we weren't trained on in the academy nor expected to become part of our area of responsibility.


  1. Help attendees understand, respect and plan around some disturbing trends that impact our ability to move our departments forward today. (Predictable is Preventable).
  2. Strategic Risk - Purpose and Cost of a Departmental 360
  3. Bonus: Create 2-3 Action Items for Chiefs to Take Back to Their Respective Agencies


  1. Internal Lexipol data/trends on lawsuit statistics
  2. The Ruderman White Paper on Mental Health and Suicide of First Responders
  3. FBHA
Session Type
General Session